Kerberos authentication troubleshooting guidance - Windows Server (2024)

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This guide provides you with the fundamental concepts used when troubleshooting Kerberos authentication issues.

Troubleshooting checklist

  • A Kerberos-related error is a symptom of another service failing. The Kerberos protocol relies on many services that must be available and functioning properly for any authentication to take place.

  • To determine whether a problem is occurring with Kerberos authentication, check the System event log for errors from any services (such as Kerberos, kdc, LsaSrv, or Netlogon) on the client, target server, or domain controller that provide authentication. If any such errors exist, there might be errors associated with the Kerberos protocol as well.

  • Failure audits on the target server's Security event log might show that the Kerberos protocol was being used when a logon failure occurred.

  • Before you inspect the Kerberos protocol, make sure that the following services or conditions are functioning properly:

    • The network infrastructure is functioning properly, and all computers and services can communicate.
    • The domain controller is accessible. You can run the command nltest /dsgetdc:<Domain Name> /force /kdc (for example, nltest / /force /kdc) on the client or target server.
    • Domain Name System (DNS) is configured properly and resolves host names and services appropriately.
    • The clocks are synchronized across the domain.
    • All critical updates and security updates for Windows Server are installed.
    • All software, including non-Microsoft software, is updated.
    • The computer is restarted if you're running a server operating system.
    • The required services and server are available. The Kerberos authentication protocol requires a functioning domain controller, DNS infrastructure, and network to work properly. Verify that you can access these resources before you begin troubleshooting the Kerberos protocol.

If you've examined all these conditions and are still having authentication problems or Kerberos errors, you need to look further for a solution. The problems can be caused by how the Kerberos protocol is configured or by how other technologies that work with the Kerberos protocol are configured.

Common issues and solutions

Kerberos delegation issues

In a typical scenario, the impersonating account would be a service account assigned to a web application or the computer account of a web server. The impersonated account would be a user account requiring access to resources via a web application.

There are three types of delegation using Kerberos:

  • Full delegation (unconstrained delegation)

    Full delegation should be avoided as much as possible. The user (front-end user and back-end user) can be located in different domains and also in different forests.

  • Constrained delegation (Kerberos only and protocol transition)

    The user can be from any domain or forest, but the front-end and the back-end services should be running in the same domain.

  • Resource-based constrained delegation (RBCD)

    The user can be from any domain, and front-end and back-end resources can be from any domain or forest.

Most common Kerberos delegation troubleshooting

  • Service principal name missing or duplicated
  • Name resolution failures or incorrect responses (wrong IP addresses given for a server)
  • Large Kerberos tickets (MaxTokenSize) and environment not set up properly
  • Ports being blocked by firewalls or routers
  • Service account not given appropriate privileges (User Rights Assignment)
  • Front-end or back-end services not in the same domain and constrained delegation setup

For more information, see:

  • Constrained delegation for CIFS fails with ACCESS_DENIED error
  • Configure constrained delegation for a custom service account
  • Configure constrained delegation on the NetworkService account

Single sign-on (SSO) broken and prompting for authentication once

Consider the following scenarios:

  • A client and server application like Microsoft Edge and Internet Information Services (IIS) server. The IIS server is configured with Windows Authentication (Negotiate).
  • A client and server application like an SMB client and SMB server. By default, the SMB server is configured with Negotiate Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI).

A User opens Microsoft Edge and browses an internal website The website is configured with Negotiate, and this website prompts for authentication. After the user manually enters the username and password, the user gets authentication, and the website works as expected.


This scenario is an example of a client and server. The troubleshooting technique is the same for any client and server configured with Integrated Windows authentication.

Integrated Windows authentication is broken on the user level or the machine level.

Troubleshooting methods

  • Review the client configuration for an integrated authentication setting, which can be enabled at an application or machine level. For example, all HTTP-based applications would look for the site to be in a Trusted zone when trying to perform integrated authentication.

    Open inetcpl.cpl (Internet Options), which all HTTP-based applications use for Internet Explorer configurations, and review if the website is configured as Local intranet.

  • Applications also have a configuration to perform Integrated Windows authentication.

    Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer has a setting Enable Integrated Windows Authentication to be enabled.

  • Review the application configuration, and the client computer can obtain a Kerberos ticket for a given service principal name (SPN). In this example, the SPN is http/

    • Success message when you can find the SPN:

      C:>klist get http/webserver.contoso.comCurrent LogonId is 0:0x9bd1fA ticket to http/ has been retrieved successfully.
    • Error message when you can't find the SPN:

      C:>klist get http/webserver.contoso.comklist failed with 0xc000018b/-1073741429: The SAM database on the Windows Server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.

    Identify and add the respective SPNs to the appropriate user, service, or machine accounts.

  • If you've identified that the SPNs can be retrieved, you can verify if they're registered on the correct account by using the following command:

    setspn -F -Q */

Authentication DC discovery issues

Application servers configured with Integrated Windows authentication need domain controllers (DCs) to authenticate the user/computer and service.

The inability to contact a domain controller during the authentication process leads to error 1355:

The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted

Unable to access a resource configured with Integrated Windows authentication with an error 1355


Error messages may differ from an application standpoint, but the meaning of the error is that the client or server is unable to discover a domain controller.

Here are examples of such error messages:

  • The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "Contoso":
    The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.

  • The Domain Controller for the domain could not be found

  • Could not contact domain Controller 1355

Top causes of the issue

  • DNS misconfiguration on the client

    You can run the ipconfig /all command and review the DNS servers list.

  • DNS misconfiguration on the domain controllers in a trusted domain or forest

  • Network ports blocked between the client and domain controllers

    DC Discovery ports: UDP 389 (UDP LDAP) and UDP 53 (DNS)

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Run the nslookup command to identify any DNS misconfigurations.
  2. Open required ports between the client and the domain controller. For more information, see How to configure a firewall for Active Directory domains and trusts.

Log analysis test scenario

Environment and configuration

  • Client machine (a Windows 11 machine) joins the domain

  • User John

    The user belongs to and signs in on the client machine.

  • Internet options on the client machine

    All the websites are a part of the local intranet zone.

    Kerberos authentication troubleshooting guidance - Windows Server (1)

  • Server (Windows Server 2019) joins the domain

  • Authentication configuration

    Windows Authentication is Enabled.

    Kerberos authentication troubleshooting guidance - Windows Server (2)

  • Authentication Providers: Negotiate

    Enabled providers are set as follows:

    Kerberos authentication troubleshooting guidance - Windows Server (3)

Authentication flow

Kerberos authentication troubleshooting guidance - Windows Server (4)

  1. User John signs in to, opens a Microsoft Edge browser and connects to
  2. The client machine will perform the below steps (Step 1 in the above diagram):
    1. The DNS resolver caches to verify if this information is already cached.
    2. The DNS resolver checks the HOSTS file for any mapping of located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\Hosts.
    3. Send a DNS query to the preferred DNS server (configured on the IP configuration settings), which is also a domain controller in the environment.
  3. The DNS service running on the domain controller will look into its configured zones, resolve the Host A record, and respond back with an IP address of (Step 2 in the above diagram).
  4. The client machine will perform a TCP three-way handshake on TCP port 80 to
  5. The client machine will send an anonymous HTTP request to
  6. The IIS server listening on port 80 will receive the request from, look into the IIS servers authentication configuration and send back an HTTP 401 challenge response to the client machine with Negotiate as the authentication configuration (Step 3 in the above diagram).
  7. The Microsoft Edge process running on will know that the IIS server is configured with Negotiate and will verify if the website is a part of the local intranet zone. If the website is in the local intranet zone, then the Microsoft Edge process will call into LSASS.exe to get a Kerberos ticket with an SPN HTTP\ (Step 5 in the above diagram).
  8. The domain controller (KDC service) will receive the request from, search its database for the SPN HTTP\ and find is configured with this SPN.
  9. The domain controller will respond back with a TGS response with the ticket for the IIS server (Step 6 in the above diagram).
  10. The Microsoft Edge process on the client machine will send a Kerberos Application Protocol (AP) request to the IIS web server with the Kerberos TGS ticket issued by the domain controller.
  11. The IIS process will call into LSASS.exe on the web server to decrypt the ticket and create a token with SessionID and Users group membership for authorization.
  12. IIS process will get a handle from LSASS.exe to the token to make authorization decisions and allow the User to connect with an AP response.

Network Monitor analysis of the workflow


You need to be a user of the local Administrators group to perform the below activities.

  1. Install Microsoft Network Monitor on the client machine (

  2. Run the following command in an elevated command prompt window (cmd.exe):

    ipconfig /flushdns
  3. Start the Network Monitor.

  4. Open Microsoft Edge browser and type

  5. Network trace analysis:

    1. DNS query to the domain controller for a Host A record:

      3005 00:59:30.0738430 DNS DNS:QueryId = 0x666A, QUERY (Standard query), Query for of type Host Addr on class Internet
    2. DNS response from the DNS service on the domain controller.

      3006 00:59:30.0743438 DNS DNS:QueryId = 0x666A, QUERY (Standard query), Response - Success,
    3. The Microsoft Edge process on connects to the IIS web server (anonymous connection).

      3027 00:59:30.1609409 HTTP HTTP:Request, GET /Host:
    4. IIS server responds back with HTTP response 401: Negotiate and NTLM (configuration performed on the IIS server).

      3028 00:59:30.1633647 HTTP HTTP:Response, HTTP/1.1, Status: Unauthorized, URL: /favicon.ico Using Multiple Authetication Methods, see frame detailsWWWAuthenticate: NegotiateWWWAuthenticate: NTLM
    5. Kerberos request from goes to the domain controller with an SPN: HTTP/

      3034 00:59:30.1834048 KerberosV5 KerberosV5:TGS Request Realm: CONTOSO.COM Sname: HTTP/
    6. Domain controller responds back with the Kerberos request, which has a TGS response with a Kerberos ticket.

      3036 00:59:30.1848687 KerberosV5 KerberosV5:TGS Response Cname: John Ticket: Realm: CONTOSO.COM, Sname: HTTP/iisserver.contoso.comSname: HTTP/
    7. The Microsoft Edge process on now goes to the IIS server with a Kerberos AP request.

      3040 00:59:30.1853262 HTTP HTTP:Request, GET /favicon.ico , Using GSS-API AuthorizationAuthorization: NegotiateAuthorization: Negotiate YIIHGwYGKwYBBQUCoIIHDzCCBwugMDAuBgkqhkiC9xIBAgIGCSqGSIb3EgECAgYKKwYBBAGCNwICHgYKKwYBBAGCNwICCqKCBtUEggbRYIIGzQYJKoZIhvcSAQICAQBugga8MIIGuKADAgEFoQMCAQ6iBwMFACAAAACjggTvYYIE6zCCBOegAwIBBaENGwtDT05UT1NPLkNPTaIoMCagAwIBAqEfMB0bBEhUVFAbFSpnegoToken: 0x1NegTokenInit: ApReq: KRB_AP_REQ (14)Ticket: Realm: CONTOSO.COM, Sname: HTTP/
    8. IIS server responds back with a response that the authentication is complete.

      3044 00:59:30.1875763 HTTP HTTP:Response, HTTP/1.1, Status: Not found, URL: / , Using GSS-API AuthenticationWWWAuthenticate: Negotiate oYG2MIGzoAMKAQChCwYJKoZIgvcSAQICooGeBIGbYIGYBgkqhkiG9xIBAgICAG+BiDCBhaADAgEFoQMCAQ+ieTB3oAMCARKicARuIF62dHj2/qKDRV5XjGKmyFl2/z6b9OHTCTKigAatXS1vZTVC1dMvtNniSN8GpXJspqNvEfbETSinF0ee7KLaprxNgTYwTrMVMnd95SoqBkm/FuY7WbTAuPvyRmUuBY3EKZEyNegotiateAuthorization: GssAPI: 0x1NegTokenResp: ApRep: KRB_AP_REP (15)
  6. Run the klist tickets command to review the Kerberos ticket in the command output on

    Client: John @ CONTOSO.COMServer: HTTP/ @ CONTOSO.COMKerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96Ticket Flags 0x40a10000 -> forwardable renewable pre_authent name_canonicalizeStart Time: 11/28/2022 0:59:30 (local)End Time: 11/28/2022 10:58:56 (local)Renew Time: 12/5/2022 0:58:56 (local)Session Key Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96Cache Flags: 0Kdc Called:
  7. Review Event ID 4624 on the IIS server showing the Success audit:

  • By default, the Success or Failure audits is enabled on all server operating system of Windows. You can verify whether the auditing is enabled by the following command.

  • If you find auditing is not enabled, then enable the auditing. Review the logon category in the below list. As you can observe, the logon subcategory is enabled with Success and Failure.

    C:\>auditpol /get /Subcategory:"logon"System audit policyCategory/Subcategory SettingLogon/Logoff Logon Success and Failure

    If you don't observe logon with Success and Failure, then run the command to enable it:

    C:\>auditpol /set /subcategory:"Logon" /Success:enable /Failure:enableThe command was successfully executed.

Review the success security Event ID 4624 on

Observe the following fields:

  • Logon type: 3 (network logon)
  • Security ID in New Logon field: Contoso\John
  • Source Network Address: IP address of the client machine
  • Logon Process and Authentication Package: Kerberos
Log Name: SecuritySource: Microsoft-Windows-Security-AuditingDate: 11/28/2022 12:59:30 AMEvent ID: 4624Task Category: LogonLevel: InformationKeywords: Audit SuccessUser: N/AComputer: IISServer.contoso.comDescription:An account was successfully logged on.Subject: Security ID: NULL SID Account Name: - Account Domain: - Logon ID: 0x0Logon Information: Logon Type: 3 Restricted Admin Mode: - Virtual Account: No Elevated Token: NoImpersonation Level: ImpersonationNew Logon: Security ID: CONTOSO\John Account Name: John Account Domain: CONTOSO.COM Logon ID: 0x1B64449 Linked Logon ID: 0x0 Network Account Name: - Network Account Domain: - Logon GUID: {<GUID>}Process Information: Process ID: 0x0 Process Name: -Network Information: Workstation Name: - Source Network Address: Source Port: 52655Detailed Authentication Information: Logon Process: Kerberos Authentication Package: Kerberos

Troubleshoot authentication workflow

Use one of the following methods to troubleshoot the issue.

  • Verify if you can resolve the name of the IIS web server ( from

  • Verify if the DNS server is responding back to the correct IIS server IP address by using the following cmdlet:

    PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName -Name IISServer.contoso.comName Type TTL Section IPAddress---- ---- --- ------- A 1200 Answer
  • Verify if the network ports are opened between the client machine and the IIS web server ( by using the following cmdlet:

    PS C:\> Test-NetConnection -Port 80 ComputerName : IISServer.contoso.comRemoteAddress : : 80InterfaceAlias : Ethernet 2SourceAddress : : True
  • Verify if you are getting a Kerberos ticket from the domain controller.

    1. Open a normal Command Prompt (not an administrator Command Prompt) in the context of the user trying to access the website.

    2. Run the klist purge command.

    3. Run the klist get http/ command as follows:

      PS C:\> klist get http/iisserver.contoso.comCurrent LogonId is 0:0xa8a98bA ticket to http/ has been retrieved successfully.Cached Tickets: (2)#0> Client: John @ CONTOSO.COM Server: krbtgt/CONTOSO.COM @ CONTOSO.COM KerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 Ticket Flags 0x40e10000 -> forwardable renewable initial pre_authent name_canonicalize Start Time: 11/28/2022 1:28:11 (local) End Time: 11/28/2022 11:28:11 (local) Renew Time: 12/5/2022 1:28:11 (local) Session Key Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 Cache Flags: 0x1 -> PRIMARY Kdc Called:> Client: John @ CONTOSO.COM Server: http/ @ CONTOSO.COM KerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 Ticket Flags 0x40a10000 -> forwardable renewable pre_authent name_canonicalize Start Time: 11/28/2022 1:28:11 (local) End Time: 11/28/2022 11:28:11 (local) Renew Time: 12/5/2022 1:28:11 (local) Session Key Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 Cache Flags: 0 Kdc Called:

      You will find that you get a Kerberos ticket for the SPN http/ in the Cached Ticket (2) column.

  • Verify if the IIS web service is running on the IIS server using the default credentials.

    Open a normal PowerShell Prompt (not an administrator PowerShell Prompt) in the context of the user trying to access the website.

    PS C:\> invoke-webrequest -Uri -UseDefaultCredentialsPS C:\> invoke-webrequest -Uri -UseDefaultCredentialsStatusCode : 200StatusDescription : OKContent : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" cont...RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Persistent-Auth: true Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 703 Content-Type: text/html Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 09:31:40 GMT ETag: "3275ea8a1d91:0" Last-Modified: Fri, 25 Nov 2022...
  • Review the Security event log on the IIS server:

    • Success event log 4624
    • Error event log 4625
  • Process of isolation: You can use the troubleshooting steps below to verify if other services on the IIS server can process Kerberos authentication.


    • The IIS server should be running a server version of Windows.

    • The IIS server should have a port opened for services like SMB (port 445).

    • Create a new share or provide the user John with permissions to Read on one of the Folders (for example, Software$) that is already shared on the machine.

      1. Sign in to

      2. Open Windows Explorer.

      3. Type \ \Software$.

      4. Open Security events on and verify if you observe Event ID 4624.

      5. Open a normal Command Prompt on as the user John. Run the klist tickets command and review for the ticket CIFS/

        #1> Client: John @ CONTOSO.COM Server: cifs/ @ CONTOSO.COM KerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 Ticket Flags 0x40a10000 -> forwardable renewable pre_authent name_canonicalize Start Time: 11/28/2022 1:40:22 (local) End Time: 11/28/2022 11:28:11 (local) Renew Time: 12/5/2022 1:28:11 (local) Session Key Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 Cache Flags: 0 Kdc Called:
      6. Collect network traces on Review the network traces to observe which step fails so that you can further narrow down the steps and troubleshoot the issue.

Kerberos authentication troubleshooting guidance - Windows Server (2024)


How to resolve Kerberos issues? ›

Troubleshooting steps
  1. Run the nslookup command to identify any DNS misconfigurations.
  2. Open required ports between the client and the domain controller. For more information, see How to configure a firewall for Active Directory domains and trusts.
Dec 26, 2023

How do I check my Kerberos authentication on Windows? ›

Steps to view Kerberos authentication events using Event Viewer
  1. Press Start, search for Event Viewer, and click to open it.
  2. In the Event Viewer window, on the left pane, navigate to Windows log ⟶ Security.
  3. Here, you will find a list of all the Security Events that are logged in the system.

What is the problem with Kerberos authentication protocol? ›

The challenge with this authentication method is that if hackers obtain the password, they can take on the user's identity and gain access to an organization's network. Organizations need a better way to protect their systems and users.

How do I troubleshoot Windows authentication? ›

Windows Authentication Troubleshooting
  1. Open IIS Manager.
  2. Expand the left column and click on Default Web Site.
  3. Double click on Authentication.
  4. Click Windows Authentication.
  5. Click Enable.

How to resolve Kerberos pre-authentication failed? ›

This issue can be resolved by applying the appropriate solution depending on the cause:
  1. Verify the password. ...
  2. Consult your Kerberos documentation to generate a new keytab, and use that keytab file.
  3. Synchronize the clocks (or have a system administrator do so).
  4. Make the Kerberos realm name all uppercase.
Apr 17, 2024

How do I clear my Kerberos cache? ›

Open Microsoft PowerShell and run the command klist purge to clear the Kerberos ticket cache. See image. After clearing the Kerberos ticket cache, open In Windows PowerShell, run the command klist.

How do I know if Kerberos is working? ›

After enabling logging, log into stuff and view the event log. If you are using Kerberos, you will see this activity in the event log. If you are passing credentials and don't see any Kerberos activity in the event log, then you are using NTLM.

How to enable Kerberos authentication in Windows server? ›

To configure the Kerberos protocol, you need to do the following:
  1. Create an Active Directory user (you can use an existing one instead). ...
  2. Assign the principal names with the encrypted keys on the domain controller machine. ...
  3. Configure Active Directory delegation. ...
  4. Install and configure the Kerberos client on your machine.

What is the main problem that Kerberos addresses? ›

The problem that Kerberos addresses is this: Assume an open distributed environment in which users at workstations wish to access services on servers distributed throughout the network. We would like for servers to be able to restrict access to authorized users and to be able to authenticate requests for service.

How to restart Kerberos service windows? ›

Stopping and restarting the Kerberos server
  1. In a character-based interface, enter call QP2TERM at the command line. ...
  2. At the command line, enter export PATH=$PATH:/usr/krb5/sbin . ...
  3. At the command line, enter stop. ...
  4. At the command line, enter start.

What are the weakness of Kerberos authentication? ›

The primary weakness of Kerberos is that the KDC stores the keys of all principals (clients and servers). A compromise of the KDC (physical or electronic) can lead to the compromise of every key in the Kerberos realm. The KDC and TGS are also single points of failure: if they go down, no new credentials can be issued.

What is the secret key in Kerberos? ›

The Kerberos makes use of three types of keys: Client/user secret key: The hash generated by the user's password. TGS secret key: The hash of the password required to determine the ticket-granting server. Server secret key: The hash of the password used to determine the server offering the service.

How do I test Windows Authentication? ›

In Content Gateway Manager, use the Diagnostic Test function on the Monitor > Security > Integrated Windows Authentication tab. This Monitor page displays authentication request statistics and provides the diagnostic test function.

How do I fix Microsoft authentication problem? ›

Troubleshooting Microsoft Authenticator App on Android & iPhone
  1. 1 Turn on push notifications.
  2. 2 Restart your phone.
  3. 3 Update the app and your phone.
  4. 4 Check your internet connection.
  5. 5 Enable location services.
  6. 6 Disable your VPN.
  7. 7 Turn off Battery Optimization (Android).
Dec 4, 2023

How to check if authentication is working? ›

Open the web page with the login form you want to check for authentication. Provoke an unsuccessful login by using wrong credentials. For example, use the credentials you want to check for failing authentication. Check how the web page notifies you about the failed login.

Why does Kerberos fail? ›

Kerberos is a widely used protocol for single sign-on (SSO) that authenticates users and services across a network. However, sometimes Kerberos authentication fails due to various reasons, such as incorrect configuration, clock skew, network issues, or password changes.

How do you stop Kerberos? ›

At the command line, enter stop. krb5 . This command stops the Kerberos server.

What command removes Kerberos tickets? ›

If you want to destroy all Kerberos tickets acquired during your current session, use the kdestroy command. The command destroys your credential cache, which destroys all your credentials and tickets.


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.