12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (2024)


by Jessica October 29, 2011


I currently have FOUR squashes sitting on my counter. Squashes? Squashs? Squashes’? I have no idea how to say it but I have waaaay too much squash. Especially for someone who doesn’t really *love love* squash. But just likes it.

I will probably bombard you with ten thousand squash recipes (um, I’m definitely not that person that “adds a slice of squash to my salad!” and is happy) this coming week (yes, just this week!), but in the meantime? I totally forgot about these Fall recipes that I made last year. I love posting tons of new recipes, but in reality it means a lot of the great stuff falls by the wayside.

So, while I’m up to my ears in squash, enjoy my favorites. And by “favorites,” I mean that I made them last year and loved them but haven’t even considered them since. I need a new brain.

1.Autumn Mac and Cheese

2.Vanilla Bourbon Baked Squash

3.Easy Whipped Sweet Potatoes

4.Chocolate Fudge Pomegranate Cookies

5.Pumpkin Pie Quinoa Parfaits

6. Quick Cinnamon Maple Applesauce

7.Warm Autumn Salad

8.Moroccan Vegetable Stew

9.Healthier Pumpkin Cupcakes

10.Butternut Squash Salsa

11.Caramelized Autumn Fruit Stuffing Cups

12.Roasted Cinnamon Pear Bruschetta

Oh, oh, oh! Does anyone want to talk about that Friday when… when I spent a good hour in the morning prepping the most perfect batch of mac and cheese for Mr. How Sweet, complete with buttery breadcrumbs and a splattering of freshly grated parmesan that would crisp up just perfectly in the oven when baked… only to come home in the evening and notice that he had already eaten half of the baking dish, unbaked, and… and… microwaved?!


Good. Neither do I.

posted in: Recipes 48 comments

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    48 Comments on “12 Favorite Fall Recipes… From Last Year.”

  1. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (8)

    Three-Cookies Reply

    What happened to the other half? Or maybe I should not ask:)

  2. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (9)

    Savannah @ Sweet and Savvy Reply

    Ahh. These are perfect on chilly day like today. Whipped sweet potatoes sound delicious!

  3. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (10)

    Amy W Reply

    I want to make… all of these!

    One time my mom and I made ravioli. Like, rolled out the dough, made the (raw meat) filling, everything from scratch. The recipe we had made like 1,000,000 raviolis so we froze some (uncooked) and boiled the rest for dinner. Later that week my dad thawed some of the (unboiled) ravioli, threw it in the microwave and ate it. We come home later, my mom goes, “Honey… they were supposed to be boiled, there’s raw meat in there!” He goes, “Oh… I thought it tasted a little funny.” and started laughing.

  4. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (11)

    Maria Reply

    Love them all!

  5. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (12)

    I LOVE all the recipes! I want to have them all today!! I am definitely going to make something! I love the salsa and the chocolate pomegranate cookies. I think I am going to make those for a work Halloween Party, and freeze some of the batter, for later use! I’m so excited! Thanks for the great post! Sometimes we tend to forget what we have cooked, and tend to only look for new recipes.

  6. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (13)

    amanda @ fake ginger Reply

    I was just contemplating making your warm autumn salad last night! I don’t think my kids would eat it though – that just means more for me, right?

  7. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (14)

    Char Reply

    Haha sounds like something my husband would do, so I stopped making him edible things. Just kidding, it wasn’t on purpose. I’m still evolving.

  8. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (15)

    Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga Reply

    Omg on the mac n cheese situation.

    Scott actually knows DO NOT TOUCH anything in the fridge, freezer, or countertop unless he asks first…b/c he has eaten one too many things that haven’t had their proper photo shoots only to see me turn pretty darn cranky on him if I make something and it’s devoured before pics were taken…so now, he knows. Hope Mr Sweet enjoyed his nuked mac n cheese. Wonders never cease, do they!

  9. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (16)

    Terry Kish Reply

    I have a butternut squash and an acorn squash sitting in my kitchen; can’t wait to use them in your old receipes!!!

  10. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (17)

    Nicole Reply

    Here’s a good squash tip: just use it instead of pumpkin! I can’t get tinned pumpkin here in Scotland (it one of the things that I really really miss!) and fresh pumpkin here is always too watery when cooked. So I make butternut squash pie instead of pumpkin. No one can tell the difference. It’s the spices that make it!!

  11. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (18)

    Luv What You Do Reply

    I can’t believe he microwaved your beautiful dinner. MEN!? Sometimes (ok, most of the time) they just don’t get it :)

    I make butternut squash bread with my extra purees. It is AMAZING!

  12. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (19)

    Debbie B. (DebaRooRoo) Reply

    It all looks fabulous! I really want to try the warm salad …. so comforting!!

  13. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (20)

    Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit Reply

    omg those pomegranate cookies sound good… heading there right this very moment!

  14. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (21)

    Grammy Reply

  15. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (22)

    Julie @ Sugarfoot Eats Reply

    I made your chocolate fudge pomegranate cookies last year for a boy. ;) They were a big hit!!

  16. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (23)

    Whitney Reply

    Hershey Medical Center Ladies are obsessed with your site! Keep the fab recipes coming!

  17. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (24)

    Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat Reply

    Lol yes, let’s not talk about that mac and cheese. These recipes sound to die for, especially right now when I’m shivering and wanting a nice warm stew!

  18. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (25)

    Krystina (Organically Me) Reply

    I think my taste for squash kind of…disappeared. No matter how many times I try butternut squash this year, it always makes me gag. I’ll take one of those chocolate pom cookies, though.

  19. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (26)

    Lauren Reply

    So glad you posted these. I’m forwarding the warm autumn salad to a girl I work with who is attempting to eat more veggies. She actually believed that a piece of asparagus was a deformed green bean. (True story). She needs more help than you do in the veggie department! Ha!

  20. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (27)

    Jessica @ Stylish Stealthy and Healthy Reply

    I just asked that question the other day :)
    Squashes? Squashi? Who knows. All that matters is they are delicious. And that mac’n’cheese is getting made today.

  21. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (28)

    Megan Reply

    I have all the ingredients for the quinoa parfaits…

    … I’m so excited!!!

  22. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (29)

    Maggie @ A Bitchin' Kitchen Reply

    Everything up there looks amazing, but I’m most excited for the warm autumn salad! Bookmarking it to make next week!

  23. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (30)

    Ashley @ Wishes and Dishes Reply

    I would cry over that mac and cheese situation. I’m very protective of my mac and cheese :)
    Love the warm autumn salad…will have to try that for sure.

  24. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (31)

    katie @KatieDid Reply

    ohhh almost pomegranate season yayy! The cookies sound so goood!!

  25. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (32)

    kathleen @ the daily crumb Reply

    thanks for the recipe round up! thinking of trying out the pear bruschetta as an appetizer tonight. we have friends coming over for a pre-dinner bottle of wine… think this would be a perfect addition.

  26. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (33)

    Katrina Reply

    Mmm love the look of these recipes. Thanks for the round up!

  27. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (34)

    Imwaytoobusy Reply

    That mac and cheese is calling my name. The cookies don’t look so bad, either ;) Fabulous fall round up. I think I need to start indulging in the season and whip up a few fall treats!

  28. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (35)

    Emily Lynne {The Best of this Life} Reply

    Chocolate Fudge Pomegranate Cookies…what?!
    Oh my goodness, all of these looks so delicious with gorgeous pictures!

  29. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (36)

    Joy Reply

    YES! They’re all superb.

  30. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (37)

    Katie Reply

    That warm autumn salad! I remember I wanted to make that last year and FORGOT. Shame on me. It will be made soon. I’m pinning it so I won’t forget this time.

    Oh and Mr. How Sweet slays me…I relay these stories to Meeker and he never thinks they’re as funny as I do.

  31. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (38)

    Ellen Reply

    I wasn’t sure about the plural of squash either; I thought it was either squash or squashes. It appears that it is squashes…

  32. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (39)

    Shana Reply

    OMG – no he didn’t. It hurts just thinking about it!

  33. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (40)

    Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights Reply

    My mouth is now watering! Those fall recipes look delicious! YUM!

  34. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (41)

    Whitney Reply

    I think the plural form is squash. I went to the Farmer’s market today and found myself with the same squash problem as you… but I do LOVE squash. Looking forward to finding out what you do with yours.

  35. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (42)

    Priscilla Francine Makeup Reply

    Oh my…pomegranates with chocolate! I must try this for Thanksgiving…actually alot of these I must try!!

  36. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (43)

    Maria Reply

    …boys xD they do stuff like that.
    I gotta make that fall mac-and-cheez though~!

  37. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (44)

    Amy Reply

    The chocolate fudge pomegranate cookies sound amazing!

  38. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (45)

    Michaela Reply

    those recipes look divine!
    and oh my god, that could have easily been my brother… what a shame.

  39. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (46)

    abigail Reply

    let me tell you what to do with squash. wash it and slice it about an 1/2 inch thick. bread with cornmeal, salt and pepper and fry it until golden brown. then salt and pepper it. oh my goodness. you will be so surprised how good it is.

  40. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (47)

    Lisa Reply

    whipped sweet potatoes sound so good :)
    im def making those. I never actually made mashed sweet potatoes before! shame on me….. I know :(

  41. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (48)

    Tracy Reply

    Dude, how did I miss those chocolate pomegranate cookies last year? Those are right up my ally and going on my list!

  42. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (49)

    Candice Reply

    I can haz all of these eatz? These all look soo delicious. Fall is actually my favorite season because of all the amazing “fall recipes” that people cook. Thanks for these :)

  43. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (50)

    Rachel Reply

    so so glad you did this!!! I too have a bit more farmshare squash around than I really need (or… want) AND that autumn mac and cheese looks AMAZING!

  44. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (51)

    Ann Reply

    Wow – everything looks delicious! and I can understand how that subject is taboo… I look forward to seeing what amazing dishes you come up with this fall!

  45. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (52)

    Bianca @ south bay rants n raves Reply

    Thanks for narrowing down your recipes. I know it’s tough. I’d like to eat them all! Not a huge fan of squash but these recipes may change that :)

  46. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (53)

    Melanie Reply

    CFTU!! sorry, excuse my language! but my BF does the same thing!!! I’ll also have sides or toppings, garnishes, ect. and he will have two plates of the main dishes and not even touched them after I take my precious time preparing them. Then he has the nerve to say his food always tastes better when I make his plate. Well duh!!!(eyes rollin)!!!!! I make it correctly. And Mr. How Sweet probably loved that mac n chz!

  47. Pingback: Crispy Acorn Squash Rounds | How Sweet It Is

  48. 12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (54)

    Allie Murdock Reply

    My husband just caught me looking at your blog again…drooling. “Why do you do you do this to yourself?” he asked. :)

12 Favorite Fall Recipes... From Last Year. (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.